Rabbi Dr. Beni Gesundheit’s Yamim Noraim series focuses on the topic of Teshuvah, the common thread within the three Haftarot and the Torah reading of Parashat Teshuvah (Devarim 30), which are read during this time period. The basic concepts and messages of Teshuvah in these four central Biblical sources by Yonah, Moshe, Yirmeyahu and Hoshea, respectively, will be elucidated by close reading and discussion of their relevant messages. Analysis of the texts will also enable us to compare these insights on Teshuvah, their differences and common denominators. Please note that each class is a stand-alone shiur. The visual presentations that will be used will aid in the analysis of these Biblical texts and help us gain a deeper understanding of the religious and philosophical messages in the Tefilot of the Yamim Noraim.